Ep. 35 – Strategies to Supercharge Your Sex Life – Celeste Holbrook

woman straddling a man on the couch


Today, we are talking about the down and dirty deed: SEX. 

Sex is often left on the back burner once you become a parent, but it is essential for maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. 

And we’re not just talking penetration here, mamas.

In this episode, sexologist Dr. Celeste Holbrook talks about foreplay, intimacy, sexual fantasies, everything that encompasses sex as we know it. She teaches us how to communicate our needs and sexual desires, create a better connection with our partner, and strategies to elevate our sex life.  

Connect with Dr. Celeste Holbrook:

Bio: Dr. Celeste Holbrook is a sexologist, speaker, and author. Through her work, designing sexual and spiritual strategies, she helps her clients evolve into the woman they were created to be. She covers various topics from sex drives, sexual shame, creating better connections, wellness, and so much more. Her mission is to educate women on how to improve their relationship and sex life and grow in confidence, spirituality, and love. Dr. Celeste has been featured in Women’s Health Magazine, Mothers of Preschoolers, Reader’s Digest, and many more. 

To book a free 30 Minute Discovery Call to see how Dr. Holbrook can serve you, click here.

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